Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Costume

Describe your best or worst Halloween costume ever. Use lots of details and explain why it was so awesome or lame.
I would have to say that my best Halloween costume ever was when I was dinky and a clown. Why, you ask? Because, when you're little, they're just so much cooler. It was a full body suit, striped on one side, polka dotted on the other, with an awesome matching hat. I wore.. bare feet, I think, and my face was painted white and clowny and I had one of the sweet clown noses. When you are small, everything is more. You don't know as much, ignorance is bliss. My enjoyment of that costume was so much more than any costume I've worn since, probably because I was so young. I also have a strange fixation with clowns. I really like them. Especially when I was younger. So not only was it just cool, but it was a clown!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breaking Dawn

As anyone who has read the Twilight series, I've read Breaking Dawn. Shock of shock, it's on the top ten. Personally, it was fine. It was good enough that it stands out in my memory enough for me to remember any details. I also slightly dislike it, but mostly the series in general, because SO MANY people do. I have lots of problems conforming. The writing in the book is fine, nothing exceptional. The story, cliche, not bad. Yeah. Personally, my taste in books varies so drastically from that of other teens I don't even want to begin to speculate why it's there or whether or not it should be.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe

It seems like reading Edgar Allen Poe stories around Halloween is a rite of passage for students in English classes. He wrote poems such as "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" and stories like "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Black Cat", "The Fall of the House of Usher", "The Cask of Amontillado", "The Masque of the Red Death", "The Pit and the Pendulum", etc.If you have read Poe stories before, which ones have you read and what do you remember of them? Did you like them? How scary/creepy were they? Share your memories of you or teachers reading the works of Edgar Allen Poe.If you have not read Poe or don't remember, describe to me what you expect from a classic horror writer? What kinds of stories do you think we'll be reading? Have you ever read scary stories?
Edgar Allan Poe. My experience with him is limited, but probably more extensive than your average ninth grader's. We read "Tell-Tale Heart" in English last year. I have also read "Annabel Lee." I remember "The Tell-Tale Heart" well and "Annabel Lee" not at all. I did like them. I am not one for creepy in any way shape or form, but Poe's stories are well written and well done. And for being creepy horror, they weren't as bad as I expected. However, I haven't read much (that I remember). I expect great things of Poe. From what I can tell, his stories will have violence, but not descriptions. Creepy, but more in a mental way. I am now way excited. I have read a variety of creepy (sorta?). I really like murder mysteries.