Monday, November 2, 2009

Hiding Something

Sometimes because of pride or ego or a mistaken idea, one person may not confide in another or tell them the whole truth. Have you ever been in a situation in which you didn’t want the other person to know something about you? You had something you wanted to keep secret? How did you act? Did the other person realize you were hiding something? How did your behavior change the way they acted toward you?
I have indeed been in such a situation. I'm not sure I really acted any different in the case I'm thinking of. Like, at all. Or if I did, whoever it was I was talking to had no idea. So yeah. Sometimes though, like, when I have a crush I don't really want to tell someone or some such thing, then I know I act differently. I word my sentences just so and have a certain expresssion. Usually people catch that. They realize I'm hiding something and try and force whatever it is out of me. It doesn't usually create problems. Never really had that happen to me. I can't really think of anything else. There are times I don't want to tell someone needed information because I know it will make them mad, but that's not the same thing.

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