Monday, February 8, 2010

Teachers (bum bum bum!)

Since we're reading Nothing But The Truth, which involves a boy who doesn't get along with a teacher, I want you to consider teacher-student relationships you've had in the past. Have you had teachers that you just got along with whether or not you did well in their class? Have you had teachers whose personality just didn't mesh with yours? Without naming names, expound upon these ideas and thoughtfully consider how personality differences or similarities have affected you in your classes.

Teachers in general have a tendency to like me. I like learning and I generally only dislike classes for my peers or specific people IN the class. I almost always do well in all of my classes. Personality conflicts are few and far between with me in life itself, but even more so with teachers. If I don't particularly like a teacher, or if I'm indifferent to that teacher, or that teacher is indifferent to me or dislikes me, I know I don't enjoy the class as much as I could. That doesn't happen often though, and when it does it's not that big a deal. Thusly, the whole teacher-student relationship thing doesn't affect me much. However, from things other students have said and discussions I've had, when a teacher doesn't like a student, or vice versa, it totally messes with the class and subject itself. Students who don't like a teacher might just not do their work to spite the teacher.

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