Friday, September 25, 2009


Have you ever studied a skunk's eyes? Write about some item you find beauty in that many others might not.

Hmmm... I don't know. I pride myself on my wonderful taste (Baha! Not really...) so I don't really think that anyone would disagree with me. Really, all the examples I have have to do with men and crushes and such and I'm not sure I want to disclose such things on a blog that everyone can read. Thus, I shan't. There are small things that come to mind. Just yesterday I watched a comedy gymnastics routine. As I am a gymnast, I can look at people doing gymnastics and tell their form, their flexability, their skill. Watching it was hilarious, but where other people who don't have my knowledge just found it amusing, I found it a thing of beauty. The routines were well done, well exucuted and the gymnast was one of the best I've watched. His flexablity was amazing, his skills wonderful, and his strength unbelievable. Where other people found amusement at his "falls" and "mistakes" I was way impressed because of the obvious (to me at least) strenth and skill that they took.

Then I have cats. I love my cats.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Have you ever known a secret that you thought you should tell? Did you tell? If you've never experienced this, what do you think it would be like to know a secret that you think is dangerous?

Yes. Maybe not dangerous persay, but defintely not something to be kept to oneself. You know you need to tell. You can just feel it. I did tell. Now that I think about it, it was kind of a big deal, but I didn't even think about it at the time. I was not asked to keep it secret, nor was I "told." It was something that I gathered and understood from being the kind of person that I am. Secrets are not very good. Really. There are things that you want kept private for whatever reason, but I think secrets are really something that are bad. I think that if we prefer something private, it's not the same. That "secret" has negative conotations. Take, for instance, you like someone. You tell a friend. You ask them not to tell. It's not a secret, it's something you prefer private. Then, you found drugs, and are not turning them in. You tell a friend. You ask them not to tell. That's not something to be kept private, that's a secret. Usually secrets need to be told to someone becase there is a problem. It's a secret for a reason, and usually that reason isn't good. Then there are things that you keep private or secret for a short amount of time for some reason, but if it comes out in the open and it's not bad, it's not really a secret. Hmmm... just some thoughts that are completely irrelevant....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Oh joy! Oh ecstasy! I have just come from the chapel. I, Juliet Capulet, and Romeo Montague were bound together in matrimony this very afternonn. I, age 13 (soon to be 14) and he, Romeo, age 16. Was this smart? Is this real?
But oh! Married! Me! Now! To the love of my life! Romeo! Montague..... Oh my. This is going to be interesting there is no doubt. My parents will not take to this well, and neither will his.
How shall we break it? When? Sooner, later, never, now? How long can I be married and a maid, married and yet pursued? Paris still wishes to woo me, but I am taken. Married. What happens when I no longer look to like? What will Mother say? What will Father say when I refuse his suit? They will want to know why... Just last night I said I would look to like, and do whatever my Mother and Father wish. But it is no longer so. I am married. To a Montague! I have already denied my parents and all their wishes.
But oh! Can one be so happy? Really, my soul has taken wing! Life is a beautiful thing. Romeo, the love of my life, is my partner for life. Married. To spend life together. 'til death do us part.... Sigh. Can you love more? None can know what I feel. Sweet Romeo... How can you feel so many different things at the same time? Pure happiness, a bubbling of love, a worry so intense one has a headache, an ache of the heart, a guilt for decieving one's parents, a feeling of exhilaeration because one has denied one's parents. So many emotions! Emotions that cannont be described! Emotions you can't put into words! Emotions so intense they affect you physically! Oh but my love is boundless. I cannot wait to see my love again. Soon. As soon as possible. My husband....

Monday, September 14, 2009


Do you believe in Fate? Are there certain things in life that, once set in motion, are inevitable; things that cannot be stopped once they are started? The story of Romeo and Juliet implies that the path of their love and what happens to them is part of Fate's plan. Do you think this is possible?

I really don't know. I mean really. There is no way to know. It's all about what you believe. I don't know what I believe. There is evidence and testimonies from intelligent people to support a ridiculous amount of theories. For all I know there is a destiny that I will discover and follow and regardless of what I do I will fullfil it. Or it could not matter in the least and I make my own choices. Or I make my own choices but there is a Divine Being who knows me so well that he can tell what choices I'll make and make it so that I'll end up fulfilling some sort of something. I don't know what I believe. You know, I'm at that point in my life when I'm confused, trying to figure myself out, what I believe, who I blah blah blah. Or something. Whatever. Or maybe, it's none of the above but is a psychological thing. If I believe it, then it is so. If I believe nothing, then nothing is so. Holy cow but this makes you wonder. Why the filth are you doing this to me? I like to think but now you're just confusing me. Maybe life is nothing and everything. Life is what you want it to be. All you have to do is change your thoughts. Maybe you see what you want to see. Believe what you want to believe. Maybe everybody is always living in denial about everything. Like a mist... you can't see through the mist... What the filth? Who knows. Maybe there's fate. But then again, maybe Romeo and Juliet is a fictional play made by a man who wrote plays to entertain people who had to have the play stopped sporadically for bear baitings, cock fights, and juggling and acrobatic acts. So maybe it's a nice idea that has no merit whatsoever and everybody is way overthinking this. By that I don't mean me at all..... Haha.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ah but life is a woeful thing! My love, my life, has sworn never to love or be married! How could she? Such a waste of beauty! Benvolio, though I know he loves me, he doesn't know what I suffer. Even suggesting that there is someone more beautiful than Rosaline. How could I possibly love another? But, to make him happy and because I am such a wonderful person, I will go to the party. The Capulet's party. That we are most surely not supposed to attend, but nobody will know, and nobody will care, and Rosaline will be there. To gaze upon her beauty one last time before I never see her again is worth every risk and every thing that Benvolio requests of me.

Then on top of (dramatic sigh), Rosaline, my family! All they want to do is fight with the Capulets! You'd think they have something better to do but they don't! I mean really! All they do is fight fight fight. We've been threatened with execution if anymore brawls happen. I can't imagine that they're going to stop, stupid people that they are. Maybe there's some way to end this fued.... I wonder what it's even about... Something stupid I'm sure... Oh well.
But at least I have the party to look forward to. And maybe.... just maybe.. they'll be someone I like better....

Friday, September 4, 2009

True Love

Define true love. Do you believe it exists?

True love. How vague can you get? I am just assuming that you mean true love in the romantic sense because otherwise we get off on all these tangents and we just don't have that kind of room and you just don't want to read all that much. True love is an intense subject. You can't really define true love. Just doesn't work. Just doesn't. True love. I think I've seen it. I guess you can't really know though. It exists. It has to. I think all love is true, but then you have different levels of purity. Crushes are love. Just a small love mixed with other things. It's still true love, just with a mixture of other things. You just have different proportions of true love and other stuff. I believe it exists. I just can't describe it. So I won't. I'm also 14. Not a heck of a lot of experience with sort of thing, you know?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?

If I had one superpower, what I would want at this moment (you do this kind of prompt a lot. It changes everytime) would be the ability to read minds. I don't mean like, "I hear your thoughts and bla bla bla." I would be able to feel someone else's mind like I do my own. It would be a voluntary thing. I would be able to hone in on a specific mind because I wanted to. It would be completely controlled. I would be able to understand the little incomplete thoughts that flit across one's mind. The real makeup of the mind are those little thoughts and then those thoughts that are put into words. I would be able to know what others feel. So if I'm talking to someone and their bored off their gourd, then I would use my wonderful power to feel that and to tactfully put an end to the conversation and walk off.

I wouldn't use my power for good or evil. It would be m0re of a personal thing that I would use to further my relationships. I am usually and mostly a blunt yet rather tactful person. If I were doing something that were bugging one of my friends and they were just too polite to say something, I could read it in their mind and then either talk to them about it or fix it. If there were someone who was plotting evil things or thinking evil things, or saying evil things about me, I could confront them. And would. I would use it to further my relationships and know what people think of me, but I wouldn't abuse the privilage. I wouldn't tell people that this person thought/said this, or that this person has a crush on you but they don't want to tell you. I wouldn't mess with it. I would use it intelligently. Or something to that effect.