Wednesday, September 2, 2009


If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?

If I had one superpower, what I would want at this moment (you do this kind of prompt a lot. It changes everytime) would be the ability to read minds. I don't mean like, "I hear your thoughts and bla bla bla." I would be able to feel someone else's mind like I do my own. It would be a voluntary thing. I would be able to hone in on a specific mind because I wanted to. It would be completely controlled. I would be able to understand the little incomplete thoughts that flit across one's mind. The real makeup of the mind are those little thoughts and then those thoughts that are put into words. I would be able to know what others feel. So if I'm talking to someone and their bored off their gourd, then I would use my wonderful power to feel that and to tactfully put an end to the conversation and walk off.

I wouldn't use my power for good or evil. It would be m0re of a personal thing that I would use to further my relationships. I am usually and mostly a blunt yet rather tactful person. If I were doing something that were bugging one of my friends and they were just too polite to say something, I could read it in their mind and then either talk to them about it or fix it. If there were someone who was plotting evil things or thinking evil things, or saying evil things about me, I could confront them. And would. I would use it to further my relationships and know what people think of me, but I wouldn't abuse the privilage. I wouldn't tell people that this person thought/said this, or that this person has a crush on you but they don't want to tell you. I wouldn't mess with it. I would use it intelligently. Or something to that effect.

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