Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Have you ever known a secret that you thought you should tell? Did you tell? If you've never experienced this, what do you think it would be like to know a secret that you think is dangerous?

Yes. Maybe not dangerous persay, but defintely not something to be kept to oneself. You know you need to tell. You can just feel it. I did tell. Now that I think about it, it was kind of a big deal, but I didn't even think about it at the time. I was not asked to keep it secret, nor was I "told." It was something that I gathered and understood from being the kind of person that I am. Secrets are not very good. Really. There are things that you want kept private for whatever reason, but I think secrets are really something that are bad. I think that if we prefer something private, it's not the same. That "secret" has negative conotations. Take, for instance, you like someone. You tell a friend. You ask them not to tell. It's not a secret, it's something you prefer private. Then, you found drugs, and are not turning them in. You tell a friend. You ask them not to tell. That's not something to be kept private, that's a secret. Usually secrets need to be told to someone becase there is a problem. It's a secret for a reason, and usually that reason isn't good. Then there are things that you keep private or secret for a short amount of time for some reason, but if it comes out in the open and it's not bad, it's not really a secret. Hmmm... just some thoughts that are completely irrelevant....

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